Thursday, November 25, 2010

Site Photos

Design Intention

Main Generators:

Relationship of:
Green Area to Urban Context
Shak to Informal settlement

Summarised Precedent Studies:
Similar structures housed/binded by a element-
it is seen in my design where the roof binds services in creche building

Admin Building pays respect to Surrounding vernacular architecture of site

Creche/Community Building breaks away with classrooms popping out from binding element
popping out roof element-child
binding roof element-adult

Final Model

Conceptual Model 1: Attachment and Break-away

Attachment and Protection

Model 3: Attachment and orientation

Model 3: Attachment and Growth on site

Model 4:Technology

Timber structure-Primary Structure
Adobe Mud Bricks-Wall Enclosure
Platform-Timber floorboards
Supporting platform-sleeper walls with timber joists


Precedent Studies

Main Principle
derived from main precedent studies are structures which are individuals which are housed by a binding element

Supporting Precedent:
Delft Creche-creates a courtyard with structures providing protection
Play Precedent- Exploration of space through a childs perspective

3 Dimensional View

Section and Elevations

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Proposed Floorplan

Services create a Protection for main spaces,it encloses sides of building and creates an open courtyard in centre
Admin Building:
Small spaces pays respect to surrounding street buildings (scale and proportion)has voids opening up from street-only used on big community events,but will remain closed if on normal day
Creche/Community Building:
breaks away,movement based on orientation of north sun

Client and Site Analysis

conceptual diagram